Business Foundation


  • We strive to be a strong and trusted Top 2 supplier to all of our Top 3 customers in our Top 4 industries.


  • Our customers shall select and maintain Linatech for our innovative approach to development, construction and production of machinery solution. We aim to be acknowledged for delivering high quality in everything we do, and our product solutions shall be continuously optimized and documented in a close partnership with our customers. We must create maximum value for both parties, and the foundation shall be responsibility and sustainability.


    1. Knowledge sharing   ➔   We create value through close dialogue
    2. Openness   ➔   We seek common understanding and consensus
    3. Development   ➔   We have the courage to challenge ourselves, and our customers
    4. Co-ownership   ➔   We get involved, and we stick to what we say
    5. Team spirit   ➔   We cooperate, and we help each other – prior to going alone
    6. Reliability   ➔   We always do, what we promise to do, and we it professionally